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单词 presuppose
释义 presuppose
UK [ˌpri:.sə'pəʊz] US [-'poʊz] verb transitive
■to accept that something is true before it has been proved 预先假定,推测
[+ that] You're presupposing that he'll have told her - but he may not have.你是在推测他早已告诉她了——但他可能没有这样做。
■If an idea or situation presupposes something, that thing must be true for the idea or situation to work 以…为先决条件
Investigative journalism presupposes some level of investigation.调查报道要以一定程度的调查为前提。
[+ that] All this presupposes that he'll get the job he wants.所有这些都要以他能如愿找到工作为前提。




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