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单词 police
释义 police
[pə'li:s] plural noun
■the official organization that is responsible for protecting people and property, making people obey the law, finding out about and solving crime, and catching people who have committed a crime 员警当局,警方
I think you should call the police.我认为你应该报警。
The police are investigating fraud allegations against him.警方在调查对他的欺诈指控。
■members of this organization 员警
There should be more police patrolling the area on foot.这一地区应该增加警力步行巡逻。
[pə'li:s] verb transitive
■to control or guard a public event or area by using members of the police or a similar force 维持…的治安,巡查;在…部署员警
The march will be heavily policed by an anti-riot unit.防暴员警将对示威游行进行严密警戒。
■to control the way in which a possibly dangerous substance is dealt with or a dangerous activity is done 控制;监督
The use of these chemicals must be carefully policed.这些化学药品使用时必须受到严格控制。




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