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单词 acquire
释义 acquire
UK [ə'kwaɪər] US [-'kwaɪɚ] verb transitive
■to get something 取得,获得;购得;学到
He acquired the firm in 1978.他于1978年收购了这家公司。
I was wearing a newly/recently acquired jacket.我穿的夹克衫是新买的。
I seem to have acquired (= have got although I don't know how) two copies of this book.这本书我好像重复买了。
During this period he acquired a reputation for being a womanizer.这期间他得了个玩弄女性的名声。
UK [ə'kwaɪər] US [-'kwaɪɚ] verb transitive
an acquired taste
■something that you dislike at first, but that you start to like after you have tried it a few times 养成的嗜好
Olives are an acquired taste.橄榄这种东西吃得多就爱吃了。




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