muse [mju:z] verb intransitive formal ■to think about something carefully and for a long time 沉思,默想,冥想•I began to muse about/on the possibility of starting my own business.我开始思忖自己创业的可能性。
[mju:z] noun countable literary ■an imaginary being or force that gives someone ideas and helps them to write, paint or make music (写作、绘画或音乐创作方面的)灵感(泉源)•The muse has left me - I haven't written any poetry for months!灵感离我而去——我已有数月没写过一首诗了! •Juliet was not only the painter's best model but also his muse (= the person who causes him to have the most ideas for his work).茱丽叶不仅是这位画家最好的模特儿,也是他灵感的泉源。 |