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单词 person
释义 person
UK ['pɜ:.sən] US ['pɝ:-] (plural people or formal OR LAW persons)
noun countable
■a man, woman or child 人
Who was the first person to swim the English Channel?游过英吉利海峡的第一人是谁?
A meal at the restaurant costs about $70 for two people.在这个餐厅里两个人吃饭的费用大约为70美元。
legal Four persons have been charged with the murder.四人被控犯有谋杀罪。
■used when describing someone and their particular type of character (用于描述人的某一品质)…的人
She's an extremely kind person.她是个非常和蔼的人。
He's nice enough as a person, but he's not the right man for this job.他是个很好的人,但不适合做这份工作。
informal I don't think of him as a book person (= a person who likes books).我认为他不是个喜欢看书的人。
in person
■If you do something or go somewhere in person, you do it or go there yourself 亲自,本人
If you can't be there in person, the next best thing is watching it on TV.如果你不能亲自到场的话,在电视上观看就是退而求其次的选择了。
  Common Learner Errors   persons or people?Remember: the plural of 'person' is usually people :
There are twenty persons in my English class.There are twenty people in my English class.Persons is usually used in official language, especially in public notices or legal documents:Attention: This taxi is licensed to carry a maximum of 4 persons.
UK ['pɜ:.sən] US ['pɝ:-] (plural people or formal OR LAW persons)
noun countable
 ADVANCED  specialized
■used in grammar to describe the verbs and pronouns that refer to the different people in a conversation. The first person ('I' or 'we') refers to the person speaking, the second person ('you') refers to the person being spoken to and the third person ('he', 'she', 'it' or 'they') refers to another person or thing being spoken about or described 人称(第一人称 I 或 we 指说话人,第二人称 you 指听话的人,第三人称 he, she, it 或 they 指谈到的人或事物)
The novel is written in the first person, so that the author and narrator seem to be the same.小说是以第一人称写的,因此作者和叙述者好像是同一个人。
'Am' is the first person singular of the verb 'to be'.am 是动词 to be 的第一人称单数形式。
UK ['pɜ:.sən] US ['pɝ:-] (plural people or formal OR LAW persons)
noun countable
in the person of sb formal
■in the form of someone 透过(某人)表现;以(某人)的身分
The editorial board has an expert with a world-wide reputation in the person of Professor Jameson.编委会有一位举世闻名的专家,那就是詹姆森教授。
UK ['pɜ:.sən] US ['pɝ:-] (plural people or formal OR LAW persons)
noun countable
on/about your person formal
■in a pocket, bag, or something else that you are holding (某人)身上有,身上带着
Do you have about your person such a thing as a lighter?你身上有打火机这类东西吗?




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