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单词 blend
释义 blend
[blend] noun countable
■a mixture of different things or styles (不同东西或风格的)混合品,混合物
a rich blend of the finest coffee beans各种上等咖啡豆的混合品
Their music is a blend of jazz and African rhythms.他们的音乐融合了爵士乐和非洲音乐。
[blend] verb intransitive or transitive
■to mix or combine together (使)混合,(使)混杂;(使)交融
Blend the ingredients into a smooth paste.将这些原料混和成均匀的糊糊。
The cushions blend well with the colour of the carpet.靠垫与地毯的颜色配搭得十分和谐。
[blend] verb intransitive or transitive
  Phrasal Verbs   blend in/blend into sth
■to look or seem the same as surrounding people or things and therefore not be easily noticeable 融入
We tried to blend into the crowd.我们试图混入人群。
They have adopted local customs and tried to blend in with the community.他们已经接受了当地习俗并努力融入当地社会。




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