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单词 pare
释义 pare
UK [peər] US [per] verb transitive often + adverb or preposition
■to cut away the outer layer from something, especially a fruit or a vegetable 削(尤指水果或蔬菜的)皮
He was busy paring apples in the kitchen.他正忙着在厨房里削苹果。
Pare off any bits of the carrots that don't look very nice.把胡萝卜看起来不太好的地方都削掉。
■to reduce something, especially by a large amount (尤指大量地)削减,减少
The three-hour play has been pared (down/back) to two hours.这出三个小时的戏被缩短成两小时。
UK [peər] US [per] verb transitive often + adverb or preposition
pare sth (down) to the bone
■to reduce something to a level at which only what is necessary is left 把…缩减到极限




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