convenience [kən'ənts] noun EASY 方便 uncountable ■when something is convenient 方便,便利;合宜;近便•I like the convenience of living so near work.我喜欢住在工作地点附近,这样很方便。 •Just for convenience, I'm going to live at my mother's place until my new house is ready.为了方便,我打算在我的新居收拾好之前先住在我母亲那里。 at your convenience ■when you want 在(某人)方便的时候•The goods will be delivered at your convenience.货物随传随到。 at your earliest convenience ■as soon as you like or can 尽快•Please return the completed form at your earliest convenience.请将填好的表格尽快交回。 [kən'ənts] noun MACHINE 装置 countable ■a device or machine, usually in the house, which operates quickly and needs little effort (通常指房子里的)便利设施;方便装置•The house has every modern convenience.这所房子里现代化便利设施一应俱全。 [kən'ənts] noun TOILET 厕所 countable usually plural (also public convenience) formal ■a public toilet 公共厕所 |