释义 |
nation ['neɪ.ʃən] noun ESSENTIAL countable ■a country, especially when thought of as a large group of people living in one area with their own government, language, traditions, etc 国家•All the nations of the world will be represented at the conference.会上将有各国代表。 •The Germans, as a nation, are often thought to be well organized.作为一个民族,德国人常常被认为很有组织纪律性。 •Practically the whole nation watched the ceremony on television.几乎全国民众都透过电视观看了庆典。 ESSENTIAL only singular ■a large group of people of the same race who share the same language, traditions and history, but who might not all live in one area 民族•the Navajo nation纳瓦霍族 |