jelly ['dʒel.i] noun ADVANCED countable or uncountable UK (US trademark Jell-O) ■a soft, coloured sweet food made from sugar, gelatine and fruit flavours, that shakes slightly when it is moved 果冻•I've made a strawberry jelly for the children's tea.我做了份草莓果冻给孩子当茶点。 •jelly and ice cream果冻和霜淇淋 ADVANCED US (UK jam) ■a sweet soft food made by cooking fruit with sugar to preserve it. It is eaten on bread or cakes 果酱•a peanut butter and jelly sandwich花生酱和果酱三明治 countable or uncountable ■jam that is transparent and does not contain pieces of fruit (透明的、不含水果块的)果酱•apple jelly苹果果酱 uncountable ■any soft, slightly wet substance that shakes slightly when it is moved 胶冻,胶状物•Frogs' eggs are covered in a sort of transparent jelly.青蛙卵上覆盖着一种透明的胶状物。 ['dʒel.i] noun beat sb to a jelly mainly UK ■to hit someone repeatedly and forcefully 殴打(某人)•They've threatened to beat him to a jelly if he doesn't repay the money.他们威胁说,如果他不还钱,就把他打成肉酱。 ['dʒel.i] noun turn to jelly ■to suddenly feel weak because you are frightened, nervous or ill (由于害怕、紧张或生病等)突然感到虚弱•As she knocked on the director's door, her legs turned to jelly.她敲主任的门时,感到两腿发软。 |