muck [mʌk] noun uncountable ■dirt or solid animal waste 脏东西;(动物的)粪便•You're treading muck into the carpet with your dirty shoes!你的脏鞋子把地毯弄得脏兮兮的! •a pile of dog muck一堆狗屎 ■something you consider very unpleasant or very low quality 品质低劣的东西•I'm not eating that muck!我才不吃那让人反胃的东西! •The immigrants were treated like muck (= treated badly, as if they were not important).移民都被视为泥土草芥。 [mʌk] noun uncountable make a muck of sth informal ■to spoil something or do something very badly 打乱;把…弄糟•I've made a muck of it - I'll have to do it again.我把事情弄得一团糟——只好重做了。 [mʌk] noun uncountable Where there 's muck there's brass. UK saying ■said to mean that a lot of money can be made from business activities which are dirty or unpleasant 要致富别怕脏。 [mʌk] verb Phrasal Verbs muck sb/sth about/around mainly UK informal ■to behave in a silly way, or to treat someone or something in a careless way 胡闹;耍弄;瞎弄•Stop mucking about with those ornaments, you'll break something!别乱碰那些摆设了,你早晚会打碎的! •I'm fed up with them mucking me about and cancelling our arrangements.他们耍弄我,取消了我们的安排——我受够了。 [mʌk] verb Phrasal Verbs muck in UK informal ■to share the work that needs to be done 一起出力,一起合作;参加•She doesn't mind mucking in with the rest of us when there's work to be done.有工作要做的时候,她总是不介意和我们大家一起做。 [mʌk] verb Phrasal Verbs [M] muck (sth) out ■to clean a place where a large animal lives, especially a stable , by removing the waste products and old straw 打扫(畜舍)•She'd spent all morning mucking out the horses.她整个上午都在打扫马厩。 [mʌk] verb Phrasal Verbs [M] muck sth up informal ■to spoil something completely, or do something very badly 打乱;把…弄糟•I really prepared for the interview because I didn't want to muck it up.我确实为面试做了准备,因为我不想出甚么岔子。 •I mucked up the whole exam!我考试考得一塌糊涂! |