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单词 moot
释义 moot
[mu:t] verb transitive formal
■to suggest something for discussion 提出…供讨论
The idea was first mooted as long ago as the 1840s.早在19世纪40年代,这个观点就首次被提出进行讨论了。
His name was mooted as a possible successor.作为可能的接班人,他的名字被提出讨论。
[mu:t] adjective
■often discussed or argued about and having no definite answer 有讨论余地的;未决的
It's a moot point whether building more roads reduces traffic congestion.修筑新路是否可以减少交通堵塞是个争论未决的问题。
[mu:t] adjective
LEGAL CASE 案例 mainly US legal
■having no practical use or meaning 无实际意义的
The district attorney said if McVeigh was given the death penalty and his conviction was upheld on appeal, the state prosecution would become moot.地方检查官称,如果麦克维被判死刑而且上诉后维持原判,那么提出州诉讼就没有意义了。
[mu:t] noun countable specialized
■a trial or discussion dealing with an imaginary legal case, performed by students as part of their legal training but in exactly the same way as a real one (法学院学生的)模拟审判,模拟案件讨论
a moot court模拟法庭




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