sleeper UK ['sli:.pər] US [-pɚ] noun NOT AWAKE 睡觉 a good/heavy/light sleeper ■someone who sleeps in the stated way 睡眠好/睡觉沈/睡觉轻的人•I'm a light sleeper - the slightest noise wakes me.我睡眠很浅——最轻微的声响也会吵醒我。 •You won't wake him - he's such a heavy sleeper.你不会吵醒他——他睡觉很沈。 ■a carriage in a train with beds for passengers to sleep in, or one of the beds in this carriage, or the type of train which has these carriages (列车的)卧铺车厢,卧铺;卧铺列车•I'm travelling overnight so I've booked a sleeper.我要坐一整晚的车,因此我订了一个卧铺。 •The 11.45 to Glasgow is a sleeper.11点45分开往格拉斯哥的车是一列卧铺车。 UK ['sli:.pər] US [-pɚ] noun BLOCK 木块 countable UK (US railroad tie) ■one of the heavy horizontal blocks that supports a railway track 枕木 UK ['sli:.pər] US [-pɚ] noun RING 环 countable UK ■a small gold or silver ring which is worn in an ear which is pierced (= has a hole in it) to stop the hole from closing while other earrings are not being worn (为防止耳洞密合而戴的)小耳环 UK ['sli:.pər] US [-pɚ] noun SUDDEN ACTIVITY 突然的行动 countable ■a person or thing that is suddenly and surprisingly successful after a long period of not achieving anything (长期蛰伏后)一鸣惊人的人;爆冷的人(或物) countable ■a spy who only becomes active a long time after being put in place by an organization or country 潜伏特务 |