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单词 mettle
释义 mettle
UK ['met.l] US ['metˌ-] noun uncountable
■ability and determination when competing or doing something difficult 精神;勇气;才能
The German athletes showed/proved their mettle in the final round.德国运动员在最后一轮比赛中展现了他们的拼搏精神。
The real test of her political mettle came in the May elections.五月份的选举是对她政治才能的真正考验。
UK ['met.l] US ['metˌ-] noun uncountable
on your mettle
■ready to do something as well as you can in a difficult situation 全力以赴,准备尽最大努力
Both players were on their mettle in the final round.两名选手在最后一局都使出浑身解数。
Cooking for such important people really puts you on your mettle.为如此重要的人物烹饪真是要拿出看家本领才行。




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