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单词 pleasure
释义 pleasure
UK ['pleʒ.ər] US [-ɚ] noun countable or uncountable
■enjoyment, happiness or satisfaction, or something that gives this 愉快,欢乐;满意;欣慰;乐事
His visits gave his grandparents such pleasure.他来探望爷爷奶奶,这让他们非常开心。
Why do so many boys take pleasure in torturing insects and small animals.为甚么有这么多的男孩子喜欢以虐待昆虫和小动物为乐?
[+ to infinitive] It was such a pleasure to meet you.见到你很荣幸。
He wrote an article on the pleasures and pains of camping.他写了一篇关于露营甘苦的文章。
Smoking is one of my few pleasures.抽烟是我不多的乐趣之一。
UK ['pleʒ.ər] US [-ɚ] noun countable or uncountable
at His/Her Majesty's pleasure UK legal
■Someone who is put in prison at His/Her Majesty's pleasure is kept there until it is officially decided that it is safe to release them 留置;坐牢
He was declared insane and ordered to be detained in a mental hospital at Her Majesty's pleasure.他被指患精神病,被拘禁在一所精神医院。
UK ['pleʒ.ər] US [-ɚ] noun countable or uncountable
it's a pleasure (also it's my pleasure)
■a polite way of replying to someone who has thanked you 不客气
"It was so kind of you to give us a lift." "Don't mention it - it was a pleasure."“你真是太好了,让我们搭便车。”“这没甚么,不用客气。”
UK ['pleʒ.ər] US [-ɚ] noun countable or uncountable
with pleasure formal
willingly 非常愿意
"Would you mind holding the door open for me, please?" "Oh, with pleasure."“麻烦你帮我扶住门别让它关上好吗?”“哦,乐意之至。”




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