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单词 manner
释义 manner
UK ['mæn.ər] US [-ɚ] noun
WAY 方式
 IMPROVER  only singular
■the way in which something is done 方式,方法
She stared at me in an accusing manner.她以责备的目光注视着我。
He was elected in the normal manner.他依正常程式当选。
It was the manner of her death that stuck in the public's mind.她的死亡方式使公众很受触动。
in the manner of sth
■in the style of something 以…的风格
Her latest film is a suspense thriller very much in the manner of Hitchcock.她的最新影片是部悬疑惊险片,与希区考克的风格很相似。
UK ['mæn.ər] US [-ɚ] noun
 IMPROVER  only singular
■the usual way in which you behave towards other people, or the way you behave on a particular occasion 态度;举止
She has a rather cold, unfriendly manner.她的态度相当冷淡、不友善。
As soon as he realized that we weren't going to buy anything, his whole manner changed.他一发觉到我们不会买任何东西,态度就彻底改变了。
UK ['mæn.ər] US [-ɚ] noun
 ADVANCED  [plural]
■polite ways of treating other people and behaving in public 风度;礼貌;礼仪
He needs to be taught some manners.他需要学些礼仪。
It's bad manners to eat with your mouth open.张着嘴吃东西是不文雅的。
It's considered good manners in some societies to leave a little food on your plate.在某些社会中,人们认为在碟中剩下少许食物是礼貌的表现。
UK ['mæn.ər] US [-ɚ] noun
uncountable formal
■a type 种类,类型
Very little is known about the new candidate - what manner of man is he?人们对新候选人所知甚少——他是哪一种人?
UK ['mæn.ər] US [-ɚ] noun
all manner of sth
■a lot of different types 各种各样的
There are all manner of architectural styles in the capital.首都汇集了各种建筑风格。
UK ['mæn.ər] US [-ɚ] noun
as (if) to the manner born formal
■If you do something as (if) to the manner born, you do it very well and very naturally as if it is usual and easy for you. 似乎天生就适合
UK ['mæn.ər] US [-ɚ] noun
in a manner of speaking formal
■used for saying that something is partly true 不妨说,可以说;在某种意义上
She's his partner, in a manner of speaking.在某种意义上,她是他的伙伴。
UK ['mæn.ər] US [-ɚ] noun
not by any manner of means UK old-fashioned
■not in any way 决不,无论如何也不
I'm not satisfied with his excuse - not by any manner of means.我不满意他的辩解——一点也不满意。




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