mainline ['meɪn.laɪn] adjective COMMON 普遍的 usually US involving beliefs, methods, etc. which are most common (信念、方法等)主流的•mainline churches主流教会 •the rivalry between catalog companies and mainline stores邮购公司和普通商店之间的竞争 ['meɪn.laɪn] adjective RAILWAY 铁路 ■relating to an important railway route between large towns or cities (铁路的)主干线的•Three mainline railway stations were closed because of bomb threats.三个干线车站因炸弹威胁而关闭。 ['meɪn.laɪn] verb intransitive or transitive informal ■to inject (= put into the body through a needle) drugs directly into the blood 静脉注射(毒品)•Several of her friends were mainlining heroin.她有几个朋友注射海洛因。 •By now she was mainlining.她至今仍在注射毒品。 |