silence ['saɪ.lənts] noun QUIET 安静 ESSENTIAL uncountable ■a period without any sound; complete quiet 宁静;寂静•A loud crash of thunder broke the silence of the night.一声响雷打破了夜晚的宁静。 •Silence reigned (= There was complete silence) in the church.教堂里一片寂静。 ['saɪ.lənts] noun NO SPEAKING 不说话 ESSENTIAL uncountable ■a state of not speaking or writing or making a noise 无声;沉默;缄默•The soldiers listened in silence as their captain gave the orders.指挥官下达命令时,士兵们静静地听着。 •"Silence (= Stop talking) " shouted the teacher.“安静!”老师喊道。 •My request for help was met with silence (= I received no answer).我的求助没有得到答覆。 •Her silence on/about what had happened to her surprised everyone.她对自己的遭遇保持沉默,这令每个人都感到吃惊。 •Their mother's angry words reduced the children to silence.母亲生气的训斥让孩子们都默不作声了。 •I don't expect to hear from her now, after three years' silence (= three years in which she has not spoken or written to me).三年杳无音讯后,我如今不再指望能有她的消息。 ESSENTIAL countable ■a period of time in which there is complete quiet or no speaking 安静,无人说话•Their conversation was punctuated by uncomfortable silences.他们的会谈中不时出现令人难堪的沉默。 ['saɪ.lənts] noun Silence is golden. saying ■said to mean it is often better to say nothing 沉默是金。 ['saɪ.lənts] verb transitive ■to make someone or something be quiet 使安静;使沉默•The teacher raised his voice to silence the class (= to make them stop talking).老师提高嗓门让学生们安静下来。 •Her remark about his appearance completely silenced him (= made him unable to answer).她对他外貌的评价使他哑口无言。 •figurative Al Capone silenced his opponents (= prevented them from opposing him) by killing them.阿尔‧卡彭杀死了他的那些对手好让他们永远闭嘴。 •figurative The enemy's guns were silenced (= made to stop firing) in a surprise attack.敌人的枪炮在突袭中停止了。 |