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单词 asleep
释义 asleep
[ə'sli:p] adjective [after verb]
■sleeping or not awake 睡着的
I fell asleep (= I started to sleep) as soon as my head hit the pillow.我头一放在枕头上,就睡着了。
I'm surprised to see you awake - ten minutes ago you were fast/sound (= completely) asleep.真奇怪,你怎么醒了——十分钟前你还睡得很甜呢。
I've only just got up and I'm still half asleep (= not completely awake).我刚起床,还没完全醒呢。
■If your arm or leg is asleep, it cannot feel anything because it has been in the same position for so long that the blood supply has been cut off. (手臂或腿长时间维持一种姿势而)发麻的,麻木的




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