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单词 gnome
释义 gnome
UK [nəʊm] US [noʊm] noun countable
■an imaginary, very small, old man with a beard and a pointed hat, in traditional children's stories (童话中的)土地神,地下宝藏守护神
■a model of a gnome used as a garden decoration (花园中装饰用的)守护神塑像,守护神石像
I don't think garden gnomes are in very good taste.我觉得在花园中摆设守护神塑像品味有点低俗。
■a person who works by using their mind, but does not talk to, and is not known by, the public 低调的脑力工作者;不作张扬的才子
The gnomes in the back room are putting the finishing touches to the new software.后面房间内的那些低调才子正为新软体做最后的润饰工作。
the gnomes of Zurich literary
■the powerful bankers (= people who own or control banks) from Switzerland who control a lot of money, much of it belonging to foreign governments 苏黎世的大银行家




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