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单词 genius
释义 genius
['dʒəs] (plural geniuses)
noun countable or uncountable
■very great and rare natural ability or skill, especially in a particular area such as science or art, or a person who has this (尤指在某科学或艺术领域中的)天赋,天资;天才,天才人物
(an) artistic/creative/musical genius(一个)艺术/创新/音乐天才
Einstein was a (mathematical) genius.爱因斯坦是个(数学)天才。
From the age of three, she showed signs of genius.从三岁起,她就表现出了天赋。
It was such a brilliant idea - a real stroke of genius.这主意太妙了——真是天才的设想。
evil genius literary
■a person who has a strong bad influence over other people 对别人产生严重坏影响的人
The film was about an evil genius who wanted to control the world.那部电影讲的是一个想要控制全世界的恶魔的故事。
have a genius for sth
■to be especially skilled at a particular activity 在…方面有天分
She has a genius for raising money.她很善于筹款。




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