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单词 fruit
释义 fruit
[fru:t] noun
 ESSENTIAL  countable or uncountable
■the usually sweet-tasting part of a tree or bush which holds seeds and which can be eaten 水果
Apricots are the one fruit I don't like.水果中只有杏子是我不爱吃的。
Oranges, apples, pears and bananas are all types of fruit.柳橙、苹果、梨和香蕉都是水果。
Would you like some fruit for dessert?餐后甜点你想要些水果吗?
The cherry tree in our garden is in fruit (= it has fruit growing on it).我们花园里的樱桃树结果了。
I like exotic fruit, like mangoes and papayas.我喜欢外来水果,比如芒果和木瓜。
How many pieces of fresh fruit do you eat in a day?每天你吃多少新鲜水果?
fruit trees果树
He runs a fruit and vegetable stall in the market.他在市场里摆了一个水果蔬菜摊。
Compare vegetable
countable specialized
■the part of any plant which holds the seeds 果实
[fru:t] noun
the fruit/fruits of sth
■the pleasant or successful result of work or actions …的成果;…的结果
This book is the fruit of 15 years' research.这本书是15年研究的成果。
It's been hard work, but now the business is running smoothly you can sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labours.曾经很难,但现在公司业务运转顺利了,你可以闲坐下来享受你的劳动果实了。
[fru:t] noun
countable US slang
■a male homosexual. Many people consider this word offensive. 男同性恋者(很多人认为该词具冒犯意)
[fru:t] noun
fruits of the earth literary
■types of food which have come from plants, such as vegetables or wheat 大地的产物;农产品
[fru:t] verb intransitive specialized
■When a plant fruits, it produces fruit 结果
Over the last few years, our apple trees have been fruiting much earlier than usual.近几年来,我们的苹果树结果要比往常早很多。




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