doss UK [dɒs] US [dɑ:s] UK slang verb intransitive usually + adverb or preposition ■to sleep outside or in an empty building because you have no home and no money (因无家无钱而)露宿;(在无人居住的空房子里)过夜•She was dossing in doorways until the police picked her up.她在被警方收容之前一直在门道里过夜。 ⇒ See also dosshouse(also doss down) ■to sleep somewhere without a bed (在没床的地方)凑合著睡觉•Can I doss down at your house tonight, after the party?今晚派对结束后我能在你家凑合过一夜吗? UK [dɒs] US [dɑ:s] UK slang verb intransitive usually + adverb or preposition Phrasal Verbs doss about/around ■to spend your time doing very little 混时间,无所事事•Come on, Peter, stop dossing around and get some work done.过来,彼得,别无所事事的了,干点事吧。 UK [dɒs] US [dɑ:s] UK slang noun only singular a doss UK slang ■an activity that is easy or does not need hard work 举手之劳,容易做的事情 |