devolve UK [dɪ'vɒlv] US [-'vɑ:lv] verb transitive ■to (cause power or responsibility to) be given to other people 移交,转移(权力或职责)•To be a good manager, you must know how to devolve responsibility downwards.要成为一名优秀的经理就必须懂得如何向下放权。 •formal Those duties will necessarily devolve on/upon me.那些任务必然会落到我的头上。 UK [dɪ'vɒlv] US [-'vɑ:lv] verb transitive Phrasal Verbs devolve sth to sb formal ■to give power or responsibility to a person or organization at a lower or more local level 将…移交(或下放)给(某人)•The local education authorities have devolved financial control to individual schools.当地教育主管部门已将财政管理权下放给了各个学校。 |