desperate UK ['des.pər.ət] US [-pɚ-] adjective SERIOUS 严重的 ADVANCED ■very serious or bad 非常严重的,非常糟糕的•desperate poverty赤贫 •a desperate shortage of food/supplies食物/供应品的极度匮乏 •The situation is desperate - we have no food, very little water and no medical supplies.形势非常严峻——我们没有食物和药物,只有很少的水。 ADVANCED ■very great or extreme 巨大的;极端的;非常的•The earthquake survivors are in desperate need of help.地震幸存者极需帮助。 •He has a desperate desire to succeed.他非常渴望成功。 •informal I'm in a desperate hurry.我饿极了。 UK ['des.pər.ət] US [-pɚ-] adjective WANTING 想要的 ADVANCED [usually after verb] ■needing or wanting something very much 非常需要的;非常想要的•They are desperate for help.他们非常需要帮助。 •humorous I'm desperate for a drink!我特别想喝一杯! •[+ to infinitive] He was desperate to tell someone his good news.他很想把自己的好消息告诉别人。 UK ['des.pər.ət] US [-pɚ-] adjective RISKY 冒险的 ADVANCED ■feeling that you have no hope and are ready to do anything to change the bad situation you are in (因绝望而)拼命的,不顾一切的•The doctors made one last desperate attempt/effort to save the boy's life.医生们为挽救男孩的生命作了最后一次努力。 •Desperate measures are needed to deal with the growing drug problem.需要对越来越严重的毒品问题采取强而有力的措施。 •They made a desperate plea for help.他们拼命求助。 ■willing to be violent, and therefore dangerous 疯狂的,狂暴的•This man is desperate and should not be approached as he may have a gun.此人已是亡命之徒,可能还有枪,千万不要靠近。 |