depression [dɪ'preʃ.ən] noun UNHAPPINESS 不快乐 ADVANCED uncountable ■the state of feeling very unhappy and without hope for the future 忧郁,抑郁;消沉,沮丧•I was overwhelmed by feelings of depression.我万念俱灰。 ADVANCED countable or uncountable ■a mental illness in which a person is very unhappy and anxious (= worried and nervous) for long periods and cannot have a normal life during these periods 抑郁症•Tiredness, loss of appetite and sleeping problems are all classic symptoms of depression.乏力、没有食欲和失眠都是抑郁症的典型症状。 •If you suffer from depression, it's best to get professional help.如果你患有抑郁症,最好向专业人士求助。 ⇒ See also clinical depression [dɪ'preʃ.ən] noun NO ACTIVITY 没有活动 countable ■a period in which there is very little business activity and not many jobs (经济)萧条(期),不景气(时期)•The stock market crash marked the start of a severe depression.股市大跌标志着大萧条的开始。 [dɪ'preʃ.ən] noun WEATHER 天气 countable specialized ■an area where the air pressure is low 低气压区•The deep depression over the mid-Atlantic will gradually move eastwards during the day.今天白天大西洋中部上空的低压将逐渐向东移动。
[dɪ'preʃ.ən] noun HOLE 洞 countable ■a part in a surface which is slightly lower than the rest 凹陷,浅坑•There was a depression in the sand where he'd been lying.他躺过的沙滩上留下了一个凹坑。 |