degrade [dɪ'greɪd] verb LOSE RESPECT 使失去价值 transitive ■to cause people to feel that they or other people have no value and do not have the respect or good opinion of others 贬低;降低…的身份;侮辱…的人格•Pornography degrades women.色情作品是对女性的侮辱。 [dɪ'greɪd] verb SPOIL 破坏 transitive ■to spoil or destroy the beauty or quality of something 玷污;损害,危害•Every day the environment is further degraded by toxic wastes.环境日益受到有毒废物的危害。 intransitive or transitive specialized ■If the quality of something electrical or electronic degrades or is degraded, it becomes less good or less correct. (使)(无线电信号、灵敏度等)降低 [dɪ'greɪd] verb CHANGE STRUCTURE 改变结构 intransitive specialized ■(of a substance) to change into a more simple chemical structure 降解;分解•These chemicals quickly degrade into harmless compounds.这些化学制品能很快分解为无害化合物。 ⇒ See also biodegrade |