envisage [ɪn'vɪz.ɪdʒ] (US also envision) slightly formal verb transitive ■to imagine or expect something in the future, especially something good 设想;展望,预计•Train fare increases of 5% are envisaged for the next year.预计明年火车票价将会上涨5%。 •[+ that] It 's envisaged that the building will start at the end of this year.预计大楼将在今年年底动工。 •[+ -ing verb] When do you envisage finishing the project?你预计工程甚么时候竣工? •[+ question word] It 's hard to envisage how it might happen.真是难以设想怎么会发生这种事情。 ■to form a mental picture of something or someone you have never seen 想像•He wasn't what I'd expected - I'd envisaged someone much taller.他和我所期待的不一样——想像中他的个头应该高得多。 |