释义 |
crest [krest] noun countable TOP 顶部 ■the top or highest part of something such as a wave or a hill (浪、山等的)峰,顶,尖•the crest of a hill/wave山顶/波峰 ■a growth of feathers, fur or skin along the top of the heads of some animals (动物的)羽冠,肉冠 ■a decoration, usually made of feathers or animal hair, on the top of a soldier's hat, especially in the past (尤指过去装饰于士兵帽顶的)羽饰,毛饰 [krest] noun countable PICTURE 图片 ■a formal picture that is used by a family, town, organization, etc. as their particular sign (家族、城镇、机构等作为标记的)饰章,徽章,纹章•a royal crest皇家的徽章 [krest] noun countable be riding /on the crest of a wave ■to be very successful for a limited period of time 处于鼎盛时期;处于巅峰时期•Mrs Singh is still riding the crest of a wave of popularity.辛格夫人的声望仍然如日中天。 |