abrasive [ə'breɪ.sɪv] adjective UNPLEASANT 令人不愉快的 ■rude and unfriendly 生硬粗暴的,粗鲁的•She has a rather abrasive manner.她的态度相当粗暴。 •He can be quite abrasive in meetings.他开会时有时会变得相当生硬粗暴。 [ə'breɪ.sɪv] adjective CLEANING SUBSTANCE 清洁材料 ■An abrasive substance is slightly rough, and often used for cleaning surfaces. 清洁物体表面的研磨材料•an abrasive cleaner/powder/liquid清洁用具/粉/液 [ə'breɪ.sɪv] noun countable ■a substance used for rubbing away the surface of something, usually to clean it or make it shiny (通常用来擦洗或擦亮表面用的)磨料•You'll need a strong abrasive for cleaning this sink.你要用强力磨料才能把这个洗碗槽擦干净。 |