释义 |
conjunction [kən'dʒʌŋk.ʃən] noun CONNECTING WORD 连接词 ADVANCED countable (written abbreviation conj) ■a word such as 'and', 'but', 'while' or 'although' that connects words, phrases and clauses in a sentence 连词,连接词 [kən'dʒʌŋk.ʃən] noun COMBINATION 结合 countable or uncountable (formal conjuncture) ■when events or conditions combine or happen together 结合;联合;同时发生•An unfortunate conjunction of circumstances led to his downfall.一连串不幸事件同时发生,导致了他的下台。 •There is a team of writers working in conjunction (with each other) on the book.有一个作家小组在合作撰写这部书。 countable or uncountable (formal conjuncture) specialized ■in astrology , when two planets appear to be in the same portion of the sky as seen from Earth (占星术中两个天体的)相合•Mars and Venus will be in exact conjunction on the first of September.火星和金星在9月1日会正好相合。 |