concession [kən'seʃ.ən] noun SOMETHING ALLOWED 允许的事 ADVANCED countable or uncountable ■something which is allowed or given up, often in order to end a disagreement, or the act of allowing or giving this (常指为结束争端而作出的)认可,让步,妥协•Both sides involved in the conflict made some concessions in yesterday's talks.在昨天的谈判中,冲突双方都作出了让步。 •He stated firmly that no concessions will be made to the strikers.他强硬地宣称不会对罢工者作出任何让步。 ⇒ See also concede uncountable ■when someone admits defeat 认输•The former president's concession came even before all the votes had been counted.选票还没完全统计出来,前总统就承认落败了。 •a concession speech承认失败的讲话 [kən'seʃ.ən] noun LOWER PRICE 较低的价格 countable UK ■a reduction in the usual price of something, which is available to students or young, old or unemployed people (对学生、老少或失业人士的)价格优惠,减价•You can get travel concessions if you are under 26.26岁以下者乘车可以获得优惠。 [kən'seʃ.ən] noun RIGHT 权利 countable ■a special right to property or land (财产、土地等的)特许权;许可使用权 countable ■the right to sell a product in a particular area 特许经营权;特许销售权 |