colourful UK (ALSO US colorful) UK ['kʌl.ə.fəl] US [-ɚ-] adjective APPEARANCE 外观 ■having bright colours or a lot of different colours 色彩鲜艳的;艳丽的;五颜六色的•a colourful painting色彩艳丽的油画 •colourful costumes五颜六色的服装 UK (ALSO US colorful) UK ['kʌl.ə.fəl] US [-ɚ-] adjective INTERESTING 有趣的 ■interesting and exciting 丰富多彩的;有声有色的•a colourful character有趣的人物 •The town, of course, has a very colourful history/past.当然,这座城镇具有丰富多彩的历史。 •The old city around the cathedral is the most colourful part of town.环绕大教堂的旧城区是该城最饶有趣味的地方。 |