milk [mɪlk] noun uncountable ESSENTIAL ■the white liquid produced by cows, goats, and sheep and used by humans as a drink or for making butter, cheese, etc 奶;牛奶;羊奶•a glass/carton of milk一杯/盒牛奶 •cow's/goat's milk牛/羊奶 •skimmed/pasteurized milk脱脂奶/经高温杀菌的牛奶 •a milk bottle奶瓶 ■the white liquid produced by women and other female mammals as food for their young (女性及雌性哺乳动物的)奶,乳汁•Breast/Mother's milk is the best nourishment for a baby.母乳是婴儿最好的营养品。 ■the white liquid produced by some plants and trees (植物的)乳液,白色汁液•coconut milk椰汁 [mɪlk] noun uncountable the milk of human kindness ■good, kind qualities 人类的恻隐之心;人类的善良天性•She's full of the milk of human kindness.她本性仁慈善良。 [mɪlk] verb GET MILK 挤奶 intransitive or transitive ■to get milk from an animal 挤…的奶;挤(奶)•Milking a cow by hand is a skilled process.挤牛奶是一项需要专门技术的工作。 •Some goats seem to milk (= produce milk) better than others.有些山羊似乎比其他山羊更容易产奶。 [mɪlk] verb GET MONEY/INFORMATION 榨取金钱/消息 transitive disapproving ■to get as much money or information out of someone or something as possible, often in a selfish or dishonest way 榨取,勒索•[+ obj + adj] The newspapers milked the story dry.报纸利用这个故事大做文章。 •The directors milked the company of several million pounds.几个董事榨取了公司数百万英镑的钱财。 |