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单词 clean
释义 clean
[kli:n] adjective
■not dirty 干净的;清洁的
a clean white shirt干净的白衬衫
clean air/water清洁的空气/水
Make sure your hands are clean before you have your dinner.饭前一定要把手洗干净。
Hospitals need to be kept spotlessly (= extremely) clean.医院必须保持一尘不染,干干净净。
[kli:n] adjective
■honest or fair, or showing that you have not done anything illegal 诚实的;公正的;光明正大的;清白的
a good clean fight/contest公正的比赛/竞赛
The judge took the defendant's clean record (= the absence of previous involvement in crime) into account when passing sentence.法官在宣判时考虑到被告没有前科。
I've always had a clean driving licence.我开车一直都没有违规纪录。
■not doing anything illegal, or not having or carrying illegal drugs or stolen goods 清白的;没有私藏(或携带)毒品的;没有赃物的
The police busted Pete last night, but he was clean.员警昨晚搜查了皮特,可是未搜出他有任何违禁品。
[kli:n] adjective
■morally acceptable 纯洁的;正派的
It's all good clean fun.这完全是个正派纯洁的玩笑。
clean living生活清白的
■not about sex 不猥亵的,不下流的;无色情的
Can't you think of any clean jokes ?你脑子里难道就没有正经的笑话吗?
[kli:n] adjective
■having no rough edges, and smooth, straight or equally balanced 边缘整齐的;平滑的;流线型的;简洁流畅的
I've broken my leg, but the doctor says that it's a clean break , so it should heal easily.我摔断了腿,不过医生说断口很整齐,应该很快就会长好。
A good clean hit from Botham sent the ball straight out to the boundary.博瑟姆干净俐落的一击将球直接击出边界。
What he liked about the car was its clean lines.他喜欢这辆车简洁流畅的线条。
I tried to make a clean cut , but the knife wasn't sharp enough.我想切得整整齐齐,可是刀子不够锋利。
[kli:n] adjective
[before noun]
■complete 彻底的,完全的
It's better for both of us if we make a clean break (of it) (= end our relationship completely).要是我们一刀两断,对双方都好。
Sara says she needs a clean break with the past.萨拉说自己需要和过去彻底决裂。
The new prime minister is expected to make a clean sweep (= a complete change) of the government.人们期望新首相对政府进行大换班。
[kli:n] adjective
[before noun]
■When something you write on is clean, there is nothing on it or it is not yet used 未写过的;未用过的;空白的
Take a clean sheet of paper.拿一张白纸来。
[kli:n] adjective
(as) clean as a (new) pin (also (as) clean as a whistle) old-fashioned
■extremely clean 干干净净;极其干净
[kli:n] adjective
a clean bill of health informal
■when a doctor says that someone is healthy 身体健康证明
He's been given a clean bill of health by the doctor.他拿到了一份医生出具的健康证明。
■when someone in authority says that a particular thing is in good condition 合格证明;安全证明
Of 30 countries inspected for airline safety, only 17 received a clean bill of health.在对30个国家进行的航班安全性检查中,只有17个国家获得了安全证书。
[kli:n] adjective
a clean sheet/slate informal
■when people decide to forget your past behaviour, usually because it was not good 既往不咎;无污点的纪录;清白的历史
You were very lazy last term, but we'll start again with a clean sheet this term.你上学期很懒,可是这学期我们会既往不咎,重新开始。
[kli:n] adjective
come clean
■to tell the truth about something that you have been keeping secret 全盘招供;和盘托出
I thought it was time to come clean (with everybody) about what I'd been doing.我认为是时候了,该(向大家)说清楚我一直在做些甚么。
[kli:n] adjective
make a clean breast of it
■to tell the truth about something 全盘招供;和盘托出
Julia finally made a clean breast of it and admitted that she had stolen the money.朱丽亚最终坦白了,承认是她偷了钱。
[kli:n] verb
 ESSENTIAL  transitive
■to remove dirt from something 把…弄干净;打扫;清洁;清洗
I'm going to clean the windows this morning.今天上午我要擦窗户。
You should always clean your teeth after meals.每次饭后你都应该清洁牙齿。
Would you clean the fingermarks from/off the door?你把门上的指纹擦掉,好吗?
He asked her to help him clean out the stables.他叫她帮忙打扫马厩。
intransitive usually + adverb or preposition
■to become clean 变干净
This carpet doesn't clean very well.这地毯不太好清洗。
I hope these bloodstains will clean off my shirt.我希望我衬衫上的这些血迹能洗掉。
■to prepare a fish or an animal killed for food by removing the inside parts of it that are not eaten 清除(鱼或动物)的内脏(以备烹调)
[kli:n] verb
clean up your act
■to start to obey certain laws or generally accepted standards of behaviour 改邪归正;开始遵纪守法
You're going to have to clean up your act if you're serious about keeping your job.要是你真想保住工作,就必须改邪归正。
[kli:n] verb
  Phrasal Verbs   [M] clean sth out
■to take everything out of a room, car, container, etc. and clean the inside of it 把…内部彻底打扫干净
I found these photos while I was cleaning out my cupboards.我清理橱柜时发现了这些照片。
[kli:n] verb
  Phrasal Verbs   [M] clean sb/sth out informal
■to use or steal all of someone's money or goods 把…一扫而光;洗劫
Buying our new house has completely cleaned us out.买新房子把我们完全掏空了。
Richard came home for the weekend and completely cleaned us out of food.理查回家过周末,把我们的食物一扫而光。
The burglars cleaned out the shop.盗贼把商店洗劫一空。
[kli:n] verb
  Phrasal Verbs   [M] clean (sb/sth) up
■to make a person or place clean and tidy (把…)梳洗整齐;打扫,清理
We'll go out as soon as I've cleaned up the kitchen.我一收拾完厨房我们就出去。
I need to clean up (= clean myself or the place where I am) before we go out.我们出去之前我要先收拾一下。
[R] Clean your self up a bit before dinner.吃饭前先把你自己弄干净点。
[kli:n] verb
  Phrasal Verbs   [M] clean (sth) up slang
■to win a lot of money 赢得大笔钱,赚大钱,发大财
We cleaned up at the poker table last night.我们昨晚在牌桌上大捞一票。
[kli:n] verb
  Phrasal Verbs   [M] clean sth up
■to stop illegal or dishonest activity in a place or organization 肃清,整顿,清理(非法或不诚实行为)
We need a mayor who is tough enough to clean up this town.我们需要一位元强硬的市长来整顿这个城市。
■to stop or limit the violence, sex or bad behaviour shown or contained in programmes or books, magazines, etc., to make them more acceptable 肃清,净化(节目或书刊中的暴力、色情或不道德内容)
Some people think that television should be cleaned up.有些人认为应该净化电视节目。
[kli:n] verb
  Phrasal Verbs   clean up after sb
■to remove dirt or problems that someone has made 打扫(某人)弄脏的地方;解决(某人)制造的问题
I'm fed up with cleaning up after you all the time.你弄脏了东西老是我来打扫,我真是受够了。
[kli:n] noun only singular
■when something is cleaned 清洁,清扫,打扫
These windows need a really thorough clean.这些窗户需要彻底擦洗一遍。
[kli:n] adverb
■completely 完全,彻底
I clean forgot that I was supposed to be meeting Lucy last night.昨晚我本来应该跟露西见面的,结果我忘得一干二净。
He's been cheating his customers for years, and getting clean away with it.他欺骗顾客多年,还一点事都没有。
The bullet went clean through his shoulder.子弹射穿了他的肩膀。




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