classical ['klæs.ɪ.kəl] adjective MUSIC 音乐 ADVANCED ■describes music that is considered to be part of a long especially formal tradition and to be of lasting value 古典的•Do you prefer classical music like Mozart and Mahler, or pop?你喜欢莫劄特和马勒这样的古典音乐还是流行音乐? ['klæs.ɪ.kəl] adjective TRADITIONAL 传统的 ■traditional in style or form, or based on methods developed over a long period of time 古典(派)的;传统的•Does she study classical ballet or modern ballet?她学的是古典芭蕾还是现代芭蕾? •He is one of our greatest classical actors.他是最伟大的古典派演员之一。 ■describes something that is attractive because it has a simple, traditional style 古典的;(式样)简洁典雅的•I love the classical lines of his dress designs.我喜欢他服装设计中简洁典雅的线条。 ['klæs.ɪ.kəl] adjective CULTURE 文化 ■belonging to or relating to the culture of ancient Rome and Greece 和古希腊和古罗马文化相关的•the classical world古希腊和古罗马文化世界 •classical literature古希腊和古罗马文学 ⇒ See also neoclassical |