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单词 | burn |
释义 | burn UK [bɜ:n] US [bɝ:n] verb (burnt or burned, burnt or burned) DAMAGE 损坏 ESSENTIAL intransitive or transitive ■to (cause something to) be hurt, damaged or destroyed by fire or extreme heat (把…)烧坏,(使)烧伤,(使)烧毁;(使)晒伤;(使)烫伤 •He was badly burnt in the blaze.他在大火中严重烧伤。 •She burnt his old love letters.她烧掉了他的旧日情书。 •The brandy burned (= felt too hot on) my throat.白兰地喝下去后我感到喉咙里火辣辣的。 •On her first day in the Caribbean Josie was badly burned (= her skin became red and painful from too much sun).到加勒比海的第一天,乔西就晒伤了。 •Fair-skinned people burn easily in the sun.白皮肤的人很容易晒伤。 •Unable to escape, six people were burnt alive •The vegetables were burnt to a crisp transitive always passive ■to cause emotional pain or damage to someone 给…造成感情伤害 burn sb at the stake ■to kill someone by tying them to a post and burning them 对(某人)处以火刑 burn sth to the ground ■to completely destroy a building by fire 彻底烧毁 •The building was burned to the ground ten years ago.这幢建筑十年前被烧毁了。 UK [bɜ:n] US [bɝ:n] verb (burnt or burned, burnt or burned)PRODUCE FLAMES 燃烧 ESSENTIAL intransitive ■to be on fire, or to produce flames 着火;烧着;燃烧 •The wood was wet and would not burn.木头湿了,烧不着。 •Helplessly we watched our house burning.我们无助地看着房子在燃烧。 •A fire was burning brightly in the fireplace.壁炉里火烧得正旺。 UK [bɜ:n] US [bɝ:n] verb (burnt or burned, burnt or burned)PRODUCE LIGHT 发光 intransitive ■to produce light 发光 •I saw a light burning in her window.我看见了她窗口的灯光。 UK [bɜ:n] US [bɝ:n] verb (burnt or burned, burnt or burned)FEEL HOT 感到热 intransitive ■If your face burns, it feels very hot (脸)发烧 •His face burned with UK [bɜ:n] US [bɝ:n] verb (burnt or burned, burnt or burned)WANT 渴望 [+ to infinitive] ■to want to do something very much 迫不及待地想(做某事);渴望 •She was burning to tell us her news.她迫不及待想把她的消息告诉我们。 UK [bɜ:n] US [bɝ:n] verb (burnt or burned, burnt or burned)COPY 复制 transitive ■to copy information, recorded music, images, etc. onto a CD 把(资料、音乐、图片等)复制(到光碟上);刻录;烧录 •Burn your favourite songs or your important files onto UK [bɜ:n] US [bɝ:n] verb (burnt or burned, burnt or burned)burn your boats/bridges ■If you are in a situation and you burn your boats/bridges, you destroy all possible ways of going back to that situation. 自断退路;破釜沉舟 UK [bɜ:n] US [bɝ:n] verb (burnt or burned, burnt or burned) burn a hole in sb's pocket ■If money is burning a hole in your pocket, you are very eager to spend it. (某人)钱在口袋里留不住,一有钱就想花 UK [bɜ:n] US [bɝ:n] verb (burnt or burned, burnt or burned) burn the candle at both ends ■to work or do other things from early in the morning until late at night and so get very little rest 劳累过度 UK [bɜ:n] US [bɝ:n] verb (burnt or burned, burnt or burned) burn the midnight oil ■to work late into the night 工作到深夜;熬夜工作 UK [bɜ:n] US [bɝ:n] verb (burnt or burned, burnt or burned) get/have your fingers burnt (also burn your fingers) informal ■to suffer unpleasant results of an action, especially loss of money, so you do not want to do the same thing again (因错误决定而)吃亏,蒙受损失,(尤指)遭受金钱损失 •She'd invested extensively in stocks and got her fingers burnt when the market collapsed.她在股市上大量投资,结果股市崩溃损失惨重。 UK [bɜ:n] US [bɝ:n] verb (burnt or burned, burnt or burned)Phrasal Verbs [M] burn (sth) down ■to destroy something, especially a building, by fire, or to be destroyed by fire 烧毁,焚毁(尤指建筑物) •He tried to burn down the school by setting fire to papers on a noticeboard.他放火点燃了贴在布告板上的报纸,妄图烧毁学校。 UK [bɜ:n] US [bɝ:n] verb (burnt or burned, burnt or burned)Phrasal Verbs [M] burn sth off/up ■to use or get rid of energy or fat by doing a lot of physical exercise (透过大量体育锻炼)消耗(能量或脂肪) •Running is an excellent way to burn off excess calories.跑步是消耗多余热量的极好办法。 UK [bɜ:n] US [bɝ:n] verb (burnt or burned, burnt or burned)Phrasal Verbs burn out FIRE ■If a fire burns out, it stops producing flames because nothing remains that can burn. (火)烧尽 BREAK ■If something such as a motor burns out, it stops working because of damage from heat (马达等因过热)烧坏,出故障 •It looks like the starter motor on the car has burnt out.看起来像是汽车引擎的启动装置被烧坏了。 UK [bɜ:n] US [bɝ:n] verb (burnt or burned, burnt or burned)Phrasal Verbs [R] burn yourself out ■to be forced to stop working because you have become ill or very tired from working too hard 把(自己)累垮 •Stop working so hard - you'll burn yourself out.工作别这么拼命——你会累垮的。 ⇒ See also burn-outUK [bɜ:n] US [bɝ:n] verb (burnt or burned, burnt or burned) Phrasal Verbs [M] burn (sth) up ■to destroy something completely with fire or heat, or to be destroyed completely by fire or heat 烧光;烧尽 •Meteorites often burn up in the atmosphere before they reach the Earth.流星常常在到达地球之前就已经在大气层中燃尽了。 UK [bɜ:n] US [bɝ:n] verb (burnt or burned, burnt or burned)Phrasal Verbs burn up informal ■to have a bad fever 发高烧 •"You're burning up!" she said, touching his forehead.“你烧得很厉害!”她摸着他的额头说道。 UK [bɜ:n] US [bɝ:n] verb (burnt or burned, burnt or burned)Phrasal Verbs burn up with sth ■If you burn up with an emotion, you feel that emotion so strongly that you cannot act in a reasonable way 心中充满…;备受…煎熬 •He was burnt up with jealousy and suspicion.他妒火中烧,满腹狐疑。 UK [bɜ:n] US [bɝ:n] verb (burnt or burned, burnt or burned)Phrasal Verbs burn with sth ■If you burn with an emotion, you feel that emotion very strongly 心中充满(情感);受…煎熬 •They were both burning with desire.他们俩欲火焚身。 UK [bɜ:n] US [bɝ:n] noun countable DAMAGE 损坏 ■a place where fire or heat has hurt or damaged something 烧伤(的痕迹);烫伤(的痕迹) •One rescue worker caught in the explosion sustained severe burns.一名营救人员在爆炸中身上多处严重烧伤。 •I noticed a cigarette burn in the carpet.我注意到地毯上有烟头烫出的痕迹。 ⇒ See also heartburn;sunburnUK [bɜ:n] US [bɝ:n] noun countable STREAM 小溪 Scottish a small stream 小溪 |
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