bulk [bʌlk] noun countable usually singular ■something or someone that is very large 巨大的东西;大块,大团•She eased her large bulk out of the chair.她缓缓地将她那庞大的身躯从椅子上挪开。 uncountable ■large size or mass 大规模;大量•It was a document of surprising bulk.这是一份篇幅惊人的文件。 in bulk ■in large amounts 大量,批量•The office buys paper in bulk to keep down costs.办公室大量买进纸张以减少成本。 the bulk of sth ■most of something 大部分•In fact, the bulk of the book is taken up with criticizing other works.事实上,这本书大部分篇幅都是在批评其他作品。 bulk buy ■to buy in large amounts 大批购买•Because we're such a large family we find it cheaper to bulk buy foods we eat a lot of.因为我们是一大家人,我们发现大批量购买消耗量大的食物更便宜。 [bʌlk] verb bulk large literary ■to be present and important 显得重要•Fears of his death bulked large in her thoughts.对他可能会去世的恐惧和担忧一直笼罩在她心头。 [bʌlk] verb Phrasal Verbs [M] bulk sth out ■to make something bigger or thicker by adding something 使增大;使增厚•I added some potatoes to the stew to bulk it out.我往炖菜里加了些马铃薯,使它量更足。 |