brilliant ['brɪl.i.ənt] adjective VERY GOOD 出色的 IMPROVER UK informal ■very good 非常好的,出色的•"Did you like the film?" "I thought it was brilliant."“你喜欢这部电影吗?”“我觉得它非常棒。” •She's got a brilliant sense of humour.他极富幽默感。 •Oh, brilliant! My parcel's arrived.噢,太棒了!我的包裹到了。 ['brɪl.i.ənt] adjective CLEVER 聪明的 ■extremely clever or skilled 颇有才气的,聪颖的;技艺高超的•Her mother was a brilliant scientist.她母亲是一位才华横溢的科学家。 •He gave a brilliant performance.他的表演非常出色。 •The idea was quite brilliant.这个想法太高明了。 •She seemed to have a brilliant career ahead of her (= was likely to be extremely successful).她似乎前途灿烂。 ['brɪl.i.ənt] adjective SHINING 闪光的 ■full of light, shining or bright in colour 光明的,明亮的;(颜色)鲜艳的•The sky was a brilliant, cloudless blue.天空晴朗无云,一片蔚蓝。 •I was dazzled by a brilliant light.明亮的灯光晃花了我的眼睛。 |