breathe [bri:ð] verb AIR 空气 ESSENTIAL intransitive or transitive ■to move air into and out of the lungs 呼吸•It's so airless in here - I can hardly breathe.这里太闷了——我几乎不能呼吸。 •The instructor told us to breathe in deeply and then breathe out slowly.教练让我们深吸气,然后慢慢吐气。 •I'm sorry if I'm breathing (= blowing out air containing) garlic fumes all over you!如果我口里的大蒜味儿薰着你了,我很抱歉!
[bri:ð] verb WORDS 说话 intransitive [+ speech] literary ■to say something very quietly 低声说•"Here they come, " he breathed.“他们来了,”他低声说。 [bri:ð] verb WINE 酒 intransitive specialized ■If you allow wine to breathe, you open the bottle for a short time before you drink from it, in order to improve the wine's flavour. (让酒)通气飘香 [bri:ð] verb breathe your last literary ■to die 咽气,死•Her eyes fluttered open for a moment and then she breathed her last.她的眼睛眨动了一会儿,咽下了最后一口气。 [bri:ð] verb breathe down sb's neck disapproving ■to stay close to someone, watching everything that they do 紧紧盯住(某人);监视(某人)•It's awful having a boss who breathes down your neck all the time.有个时刻盯着你的老板实在令人讨厌。 [bri:ð] verb breathe (new) life into ■to bring new ideas and energy to 带来起色;注入活力•We need some new people to breathe life into this project.我们需要一些新人来给这个企划案注入活力。 |