brand [brænd] noun countable PRODUCT 产品 IMPROVER ■a type of product made by a particular company 商标,牌子•This isn't my usual brand of deodorant.这不是我通常用的那个牌子的除臭剂。 •When I go to a supermarket I usually buy own (US store / Australian generic)brands (= the cheaper products with the shop's own name on them).我去超市时常常购买超市的自家品牌产品。 brand of sth ■a particular type of something, or way of doing something 一种…,一类…;做…的方式•a team that plays a distinctive brand of football打法很独特的足球队 •Do you like his brand of humour?你喜欢他那种幽默吗? [brænd] noun countable FLAME 火焰 literary ■a piece of burning wood used to give light 火炬;火把 [brænd] noun countable MARK 做记号 ■a mark that is burnt or frozen into the skin of an animal such as a cow to show who owns it 打烙印于;以烙铁打(标记)•The brand was still visible on the animal's hide.兽皮上还可以看见烙印。 [brænd] verb JUDGE 判断 transitive + object + noun or adjective ■to say that you think someone is as stated 加污名于;谴责•Because of one minor offence he was branded (as) a common criminal.由于一次小过错他蒙上了共同犯罪的污名。 •The newspapers have branded the rebel MP disloyal.报纸谴责反叛的国会议员背信弃义。 [brænd] verb MARK 做记号 transitive ■to mark an animal such as a cow by burning or freezing its skin to show you own it 打烙印于;以烙铁打(标记)•The cattle were rounded up and branded.那些牛都被圈了起来并打了烙印。 |