bowel ['baʊ.əl] [baʊəl] noun countable usually plural ■the long tube that carries solid waste from the stomach out of the body 肠•He has trouble with his bowels.他的肠胃有问题。 •bowel cancer/cancer of the bowel肠癌 move your bowels ■(said especially by doctors and nurses) to excrete (= pass from the body) the solid waste that is contained in the bowels (尤为医护人员用语)排便 ['baʊ.əl] [baʊəl] noun countable usually plural the bowels of sth ■the parts of something that are furthest away from the outside …的内部,…的深处•The fire started deep in the bowels of the ship.大火是从船的最底部烧起来的。 |