blank [blæŋk] adjective EMPTY 空的 ADVANCED ■empty or clear, or containing no information or mark 空白的,无字的;空着的•a blank sheet of paper一张白纸 •a blank tape/computer screen空白磁带/空白的电脑萤幕 •Sign your name in the blank space at the bottom of the form.在表格底部的空白处签名。 [blæŋk] adjective NOT REACTING 无反应的 ■showing no understanding or no emotion in the expression on your face 茫然的,木然的•a blank stare/expression茫然的凝视/木然的表情 [blæŋk] verb Phrasal Verbs [M] blank sth out COVER ■to intentionally cover over something that is written so that it cannot be read 遮住;涂掉;抹去•Some of the names in the report have been blanked out.报告中有些名字已经被抹掉了。 FORGET ■to stop yourself thinking about a memory because it is unpleasant and you would prefer not to remember it 刻意忘记,抹去对…的记忆•There may be traumatic incident in your past that you have blanked out.过去你可能经历过创伤,而你已经从记忆中抹去了。 [blæŋk] noun countable ■a space in a piece of writing or on a form, left empty for information to be added (档或表格的)空白处,空格•Fill in the blanks in this form.将这份表格填好。 ■something not yet drawn or finished, such as a key not yet cut into a finished shape 坯件,原坯 ■(also blank cartridge) ■a small tube containing explosive but no bullet, used in a gun in order to make a loud noise without causing harm 空弹;空包弹•The starter's pistol fires blanks.发令员的枪放的是空包弹。 |