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单词 what
释义 what
UK [wɒt] US [wɑ:t] determiner pronoun exclamation
■used to ask for information about people or things 甚么
What time is it?几点了?
What books did you buy?你买了甚么书?
What did you wear?你穿的是甚么?
What size shoes do you take?你穿多大尺码的鞋?
What happened after I left?我离开后发生了甚么事?
What caused the accident?是甚么导致了那场事故?
■used in questions which show you are surprised or do not believe something (用于疑问句中,表示惊奇或不相信)
"I've just told Peter." "What?/You did what?"“我刚刚告诉了彼得。”“甚么?你做了甚么?”
What's this I hear? You're leaving?甚么?你要离开?
■used to ask about the reason for something (用于询问事情的原因)
What are these tools for?这些工具是做甚么用的?
What are you doing that for?你那样做目的何在?
"We need a bigger car." "What for?"“我们需要一辆更大的汽车。”“为甚么?”
UK [wɒt] US [wɑ:t] determiner pronoun exclamation
what about?  IMPROVER 
■used to suggest something (用于征求意见)…怎么样?
What about Lola - shall we invite her?洛拉呢——我们该不该邀请她?
What about taking a few days off?休假几天怎么样?
UK [wɒt] US [wɑ:t] determiner pronoun exclamation
what if?  IMPROVER 
■used to ask about something that could happen in the future, especially something bad 如果(尤指糟糕的情况出现)会怎么样?
What if the train's late?要是火车误点怎么办?
What if you don't pass your exams?要是考试不及格怎么办?
UK [wɒt] US [wɑ:t] determiner pronoun exclamation
What is/are he/she/it/they, etc. like?  IMPROVER 
■said to ask someone to describe someone or something to you 他/她/它/他们等是甚么样的?
What was her boyfriend like?她男朋友长甚么样?
"What was the weather like?" "It rained all week."“天气怎么样?”“整整一周都在下雨。”
You've seen their new house, haven't you? What's it like?你已经看过他们的新房子了,是不是?是甚么样的?
UK [wɒt] US [wɑ:t] determiner pronoun exclamation
What of it? informal
■used to rudely say that you do not think something is important 那又怎么样呢?那又有甚么关系?
"That's the third time you've done that!" "Yeah, what of it?"“你那样做已经是第三次了!”“是啊,那又怎么样呢?”
UK [wɒt] US [wɑ:t] determiner pronoun exclamation
what's on
■used to mean 'what is happening'. This phrase is often used as the title of the part of a newspaper which tells you about events and entertainment happening in the next week or month. 正在发生的事(常用在报纸的标题中,用来预告下周或下个月将发生的大事或娱乐事件)
UK [wɒt] US [wɑ:t] determiner pronoun exclamation
What's that (all) about (then)? UK informal
■used when you do not understand why something or someone is so popular or fashionable (用于表示不理解为甚么某人或某物如此流行)那算是甚么?
Pierced tongues - what's that about, then?在舌头上穿孔——那算是甚么?
UK [wɒt] US [wɑ:t] determiner pronoun exclamation
What's up? informal
■used to ask someone what the problem is 怎么了?出甚么事了?
What's up - why does everyone look so serious?怎么了——为甚么大家看起来都那么严肃?
What's up with Terry?特里怎么了?
UK [wɒt] US [wɑ:t] determiner pronoun exclamation
  Common Learner Errors   whatWarning: check your word order!When what is used in a main clause to ask a question, remember to put the verb before the subject:
What you are doing this summer?What are you doing this summer?When what is used in a subordinate clause, do not put the verb before the subject:
I'm writing to ask you what are you doing this summer.I m writing to ask you what you are doing this summer.
UK [wɒt] US [wɑ:t] pronoun
■the thing(s) which; that which (作关系代词引导从句)…那样的;…的
What I wanted to find out first was how long it was going to take.我首先想要搞清楚的是,它要花多长时间。
What really concerned her was how unhappy the child was.她真正关心的是那孩子有多么不开心。
She wouldn't tell me what he said.她不愿告诉我他说过甚么。
I hadn't got much money on me but I gave them what I had.我身上没带多少钱,但我把带的钱都给他们了。
The letter showed clearly what they were planning.这封信很清楚地说明了他们是在筹划甚么。
I can't decide what to do next.我决定不下来下一步该做甚么。
Have you thought about what to send as a present?你想过寄甚么礼物了吗?
■used to introduce something you are going to say (用于引出要说的话)
You'll never guess what - Laurie won first prize!你永远也猜不到——劳里得了冠军。
I'll tell you what - we'll collect the parcel on our way to the station.我告诉你——我们会在去车站的路上取包裹。
UK [wɒt] US [wɑ:t] pronoun
and what have you informal
■and other similar things 以及诸如此类的东西
There were a couple of bags full of old records, magazines and what have you.那几个袋子装满了旧唱片、杂志之类的东西。
UK [wɒt] US [wɑ:t] pronoun
what with informal
■used to talk about the reasons for a particular situation, especially a bad or difficult situation (尤指糟糕或困难的局面)因为,由于
I'm very tired, what with travelling all day yesterday and having a disturbed night.我非常累,因为昨天旅行了一整天,而且晚上又被吵得没睡好。
UK [wɒt] US [wɑ:t] pronoun
what / whatever sb says goes
■What/whatever someone says goes means you have to do what they say 不管(某人)说甚么,都要按其说的去做
It was Helen's idea and what Helen says goes.那是海伦的主意,她怎么说就怎么做。
UK [wɒt] US [wɑ:t] pronoun
what's more
■used to add something surprising or interesting to what you have just said 而且;更有意思(或惊人)的是
The decorations were absolutely beautiful and what's more, the children had made them themselves.那些装饰绝对很漂亮,而且都是孩子们自己做的。
UK [wɒt] US [wɑ:t] pronoun
  Common Learner Errors   what or which?Warning: choose the correct pronoun!To add extra information to a previous clause, don't say 'what', say which :
I also speak English, what might be useful in this job.I also speak English, which might be useful in this job.
UK [wɒt] US [wɑ:t] predeterminer determiner
■used to introduce your opinion (用于引出自己的观点)
"She can't come." "What a shame/pity."“她来不了。”“真遗憾。”
What a lovely view!多美丽的景色啊!
What nonsense/rubbish!一派胡言!
What strange clothes he was wearing.他穿的衣服可真奇怪。
UK [wɒt] US [wɑ:t] pronoun exclamation informal
■used to ask someone to say something again (用于请某人重复所说的话)
"I think we should leave at twelve." "What?" "I said I think we should leave at twelve."“我觉得我们应该12点离开。”“甚么?”“我说我觉得我们应该12点离开。”




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