vintage UK ['vɪn.tɪdʒ] US [-tˌɪdʒ] adjective HIGH QUALITY 高品质 ■of high quality and lasting value, or showing the best and most typical characteristics of a particular type of thing, especially from the past (尤指过去某个时期)最佳的,最典型的,经典的•a vintage aircraft最出色的飞机 •a vintage comic book经典的漫画书 •This film is vintage (= has the best characteristics typical of films made by) Disney.这是一部经典的迪士尼影片。 •She loves buying vintage clothing.她喜欢买高档时装。 UK ['vɪn.tɪdʒ] US [-tˌɪdʒ] adjective WINE 酒 [before noun] ■describes wine of high quality that was made in a particular year, and which can be kept for several years in order to improve it (酒)佳酿的,上等的•vintage champagne/port/claret上等香槟/波尔图葡萄酒/干红葡萄酒 UK ['vɪn.tɪdʒ] US [-tˌɪdʒ] noun countable ■the wine made in a particular year, or a particular year in which wine has been made 特定年份酿造的酒;酿造年份•The 1983 vintage was one of the best.1983年酿制的酒是最好的酒之一。 •What vintage is this wine (= In what year was it made) ?这酒是哪年酿制的? uncountable literary ■a group of things which were produced, or a group of people who were active, during the same particular period 同时代生产的东西;同时代的一批人•He is undoubtedly England's best captain of recent vintage.他毫无疑问是英国队近年来最优秀的队长。 |