version UK ['vɜ:.ʃən/ UK [-ʒən] US ['vɝ:-] noun countable ESSENTIAL ■a particular form of something which varies slightly from other forms of the same thing 版本;说法•The official version of events is that the police were attacked and were just trying to defend themselves.事件的官方说法是员警受到了攻击,他们只是想自卫。 •You can make a reduced fat version of the cheesecake by using cottage cheese instead of cream cheese.你可以用茅屋起司代替奶油起司来制作低脂肪的起司蛋糕。 •An English-language version of the book is planned for the autumn.那本书的英语版本计划在秋天推出。 •The TV series is a watered-down version of the movie, especially designed for family viewing.这部电视剧对其电影版作了弱化处理,专为阖家观赏而制作。 |