turn-off UK ['tɜ:n.ɒf] US ['tɝ:n.ɑ:f] noun ROAD 道路 countable ■a road which leaves another road to go in a different direction 岔路,支路•It's 4 km to the turn-off for Norwich/the Norwich turn-off.还有四公里就是去诺里奇的岔道。 ⇒ See also turn off () at turn UK ['tɜ:n.ɒf] US ['tɝ:n.ɑ:f] noun DISLIKE 不喜欢 countable usually singular informal ■something which you dislike or which you do not find interesting or sexually exciting 扫兴之物;倒胃口之物;使失去性欲之物•This system may provide a powerful tool for adults who find computers a turn-off yet need to learn to use them.这个系统可能会成为那些对电脑没兴趣但又需要学的成年人强而有力的工具。 •Hairy backs are for me the ultimate turn-off.背上满是毛对我而言简直是大倒胃口。 ⇒ See also turn off at turn |