stature UK ['stætʃ.ər] US [-ɚ] noun REPUTATION 声誉 uncountable ■the good reputation a person or organization has, based on their behaviour and ability 声望;声誉•an artist of great stature才高德劭的艺术家 •His stature as an art critic was tremendous.他作为艺术评论家,享有非常高的声誉。 •If the school continues to gain in stature, it will attract the necessary financial support.如果学校能继续提高声誉,将会吸引到必要的资金补助。 UK ['stætʃ.ər] US [-ɚ] noun HEIGHT 高度 countable usually singular slightly formal ■(especially of people) height 高度;(尤指)身高•His red hair and short stature made him easy to recognize.他红头发,五短身材,很容易认出来。 |