hands-on UK ['hænd.zɒn] US [-zɑ:n] adjective [before noun] INVOLVED 参与的 ■Someone with a hands-on way of doing things becomes closely involved in managing and organizing things and in making decisions 事事过问的,事必躬亲的•She's very much a hands-on manager.她是一位事必躬亲的经理。 UK ['hænd.zɒn] US [-zɑ:n] adjective [before noun] PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE 实务经验 ■Someone who has hands-on experience of something has done or used it rather than just read or learned about it 亲身实践的•Many employers consider hands-on experience to be as useful as academic qualifications.很多雇主都认为实务经验和学历一样有用。 |