释义 |
turgid UK ['tɜ:.dʒɪd] US ['tɝ:-] adjective TOO SERIOUS 太严肃的 formal ■(of speech, writing, style, etc.) too serious about its subject matter; boring (讲话、写作、风格等)太严肃的,枯燥乏味的•a couple of pages of turgid prose几页枯燥乏味的散文 UK ['tɜ:.dʒɪd] US ['tɝ:-] adjective NOT FLOWING 不流动的 formal ■(of water) not flowing easily (水)流动不畅的,不易流动的•The river rolled darkly brown and turgid.河水流动不畅,翻着浊黄浪花。 UK ['tɜ:.dʒɪd] US ['tɝ:-] adjective SWOLLEN 肿胀的 specialized ■(of an organ or living tissue) swollen (器官或生物组织)肿大的,肿胀的,膨胀的 |